Which Companies Need Reactive PR? This article will introduce what to look for when selecting a PR agency in Japan.

Which Companies Need Reactive PR? This article will introduce what to look for when selecting a PR agency in Japan.

Reactive PR is a PR strategy that responds to current events, news, and trends. It can be used for positive approaches, such as enhancing a brand’s reputation, improving SEO, or increasing awareness of products and content, to even addressing negative situations, such as dealing with bad publicity or online controversies, by minimizing damage or correcting misconceptions.

This article will introduce the capabilities and requirements you should consider when selecting a PR agency in Japan to increase your recognition and sales as an overseas company.

Companies Aiming for Marketing and PR Success in Japan Should Incorporate Reactive PR

B2C companies, in particular, need to emphasize reactive PR. This is because they must manage information and control public perception across a broad range of consumers. Handling consumer information is sensitive and challenging, requiring detailed information gathering and careful communication. Thus, reactive PR is indispensable.
Then, What about B2B companies?
They also need to pay attention to reactive PR. Having a system in place for reactive PR according to risk levels is crucial, especially for companies dealing with infrastructure or life-related products and services.

The Importance of Partnering with a PR Agency Familiar with Japanese Trends and Media

PR in Japan is very unique compared to global standards, and strategies that work elsewhere may not be practical here. Therefore, to achieve results in Japan through reactive PR, it is essential to partner with a PR agency that is well-versed in Japanese trends, consumer behavior, and media. 

However, there are over 200 PR agencies in Japan, and choosing the right partner can take time and effort. Here are some key requirements to consider when selecting a PR agency.

Key Considerations When Choosing a PR Agency for Reactive PR

The Understanding of Cultural Differences and Having a High Localization Ability

It is important to select a PR agency that correctly understands the cultural differences between the client’s base country and Japan. The agency must also have high localization capabilities to bridge these gaps.
Cultural differences can lead to misunderstandings or dissatisfaction that can lead to troubles or controversies. Therefore, it is crucial to partner with a PR agency that has a professional team capable of addressing these differences and providing localized solutions.

High Monitoring Capability for Trends and Risks

For reactive PR to be effective, the agency must detect trends and risks early on and respond promptly. Delayed responses can diminish the effectiveness of reactive PR. Thus, choose a PR agency that can forecast trends and risks ahead of the client and provide timely recommendations.

Creative Content Creation Ability

In reactive PR, it is important to choose a PR agency that can create messaging with creative insights. Even if you produce content that covers information based on trends, it is ineffective if it fails to capture consumer interest. 

Instead of merely viewing trends and risks as opportunities for reactive PR, it is desirable to partner with a PR agency with content creation capabilities capable of engaging consumers and fostering their interest and curiosity.

Ability to Provide Proposals Considering Industry, Company Size, and Client’s Position

The PR agency should be able to offer tailored proposals considering the client’s industry, company size, and internal position. An agency that avoids generic advice and offers professional, flexible suggestions while considering global perspectives, such as time differences, is ideal

Suppose the PR agency cannot make proposals that fully consider the client’s industry, company size, and position. In that case, it can lead to friction between both parties and make smooth cooperation difficult.

Therefore, choosing an agency that offers the best possible proposals at any given time is crucial, as it demonstrates professionalism and flexibility rather than relying on general recommendations. 

Additionally, it is important to select a partner who can provide thoughtful proposals that consider global factors, such as time differences.

Measuring Effectiveness of Reactive PR

Below are some examples of KPIs for reactive PR:

  • Acquisition of articles in magazines and online news
  • Improvement in SEO for company websites
  • Increase in inquiries about products or content
  • Correction of misinformation from media or journalists
  • Updating articles missing necessary information or client comments
  • Changing of perceptions and calming situations related to controversies

Trouble Handling in Reactive PR – B2B Companies Often Struggle More than B2C

B2B companies tend to struggle more with trouble handling compared to B2C companies. This is often due to their limited direct interaction with consumers, making predicting information spread during controversies hard. Therefore, B2B companies must partner with a PR agency with professional expertise in reactive PR to ensure optimal responses when needed.

WONDERHOODS has extensive knowledge and expertise specifically in serving B2B companies and can provide effective proposals in reactive PR.

WONDERHOODS has extensive experience providing PR and marketing services to B2B companies.
In addition to the insights and expertise gained from these experiences, the agency has an in-house professional team with experience in reactive PR.
This enables WONDERHOODS to deliver effective reactive PR solutions, particularly for manufacturers and IT companies facing data leakage risks.

“We strive to be a partner that companies can rely on to navigate their goals and challenges across borders and cultural differences” – WONDERHOODS, Tokyo-based PR agency.

At WONDERHOODS, we prioritize closely supporting our client’s goals and challenges. To achieve this, we provide precise solutions through agile responses to trends and risks, and flexible approaches to achieving objectives and solving problems. 

Additionally, WONDERHOODS has an in-house content team, allowing us to create high-quality videos and articles without outsourcing quickly. Our content creation leverages accumulated experience and creativity to connect trends with services and products, aiming to achieve even more outstanding results. 

Even if a client does not have an office in Japan, we provide a sense of security as if they had a local presence, delivering results within Japan and serving as a partner that supports and collaborates across borders and cultural differences.

About us

WONDERHOODS is a boutique/bilingual marketing communications agency based in Tokyo and Hokkaido, Japan, specializing in business-to-business PR, particularly technology PR, and helping foreign companies enter the Japanese market, create customers, and activate their marketing activities. Please feel free to contact us for more information including our capabilities.

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