Achieving the Top Spot on Japan’s blog service ‘Note’ Category Rankings in Just Two Days A Case Study in Social Media Management with insights unique to PR companies

Achieving the Top Spot on Japan’s blog service ‘Note’ Category Rankings in Just Two Days A Case Study in Social Media Management with insights unique to PR companies

As of 2024, the significance of utilizing social media remains unchanged in the BtoC sector and the BtoB sector. This is because many people gather information through social media alongside search engines when considering adopting services or solutions.

WONDERHOODS has been a communication partner for various clients, aiming to build relationships with customers on social media. 

In this blog post, we will introduce a social media management case study by our agency.

Challenges Faced by Client C

Lack of effective means to gain recognition for original content and generate product demand.

Client C had accumulated a range of content that integrates their messaging, including owned media, an official YouTube channel featuring guest customers, and industry event hostings. 

However, despite the effort to create this content, they faced the challenge of limited recognition for their marketing materials.

WONDERHOODS, after a close discussion with the client, proposed creating new communication channels, starting with social media, to increase opportunities for their content to be discovered and to promote the adoption of the services featured in the content.

Planning Flow – from Inquiry to Implementation

  1. Setting the Basis 

・What are the challenges that need to be addressed?

・What is the target  timeframe for solving these challenges or achieving the goals?

・What kind of information does the client want to communicate?

・What target customer segments is the client aiming for?

We gathered information from the client based on the questions above.

  1. Creating a Proposal based on the client’s needs
  1. Client Feedback and Revision of Presentation for the proposal
  1. Project Launch

For this case, we conducted thorough scheduling for creating and starting the social media account and operations, expanding our support system to respond flexibly to the client’s requests.

Measures Taken by WONDERHOODS

Utilizing Existing Content

As mentioned before, Client C had an abundance of existing content. We considered how best to leverage this and provided recommendations from the perspective of PR and communication experts.

Consistent Management from Content Selection to Creation

We prioritized the existing content that Client C wanted to use, analyzed how to attract the target audience’s interest, selected suitable content types, and consistently managed everything from content selection to creation.

Achieving 5,000PV in page views by category within just two days on ‘Note’, the major Japanese blog service

Our staff with a video media background quickly obtained information that a feature relevant to the existing content will be aired on a business program. 

Choosing Note as the distribution platform based on high hashtag search volume, we swiftly managed the selection and creation of content, resulting in effective reactive PR that capitalized on the trending TV program.

As a result, within just two days of publishing the article, we achieved 5,000 page views, secured a top-three ranking for hashtags, and reached the top position in content-related category rankings, generating significant interest in the content.

WONDERHOODS’ Strengths in Social Media Management

Speedy and Cost-Efficient Handling by In-House Content Team

WONDERHOODS has a dedicated content team that creates video and written content. We can provide proposals and handle the entire creation process in-house, which allows us to keep costs down and respond to requests more quickly than outsourcing.

Key Considerations for Social Media Management

Integration with PR

In distributing information through press releases and social media, we place great importance on timing the content release appropriately. We ensure that social media updates are not made before the information is officially announced and that social media posts follow immediately after the press release. While these are basic practices, we meticulously maintain this approach to avoid any lapses.

Monitoring Function that Swiftly Captures Trends

In social media management, having a monitoring function that quickly grasps industry trends is crucial. 

At WONDERHOODS, we place great importance on carefully selecting monitoring targets, thoroughly analyzing the data obtained through monitoring, and proposing measures based on the insights derived from the analysis.

Leveraging Knowledge of the BtoB Sector

WONDERHOODS has served as a supporting role in addressing various challenges faced by clients primarily in the B2B sector. In social media management, we leverage our expertise gained from solving issues in software, manufacturing, retail, and other specialized industries to provide effective communication solutions.

Alignment with the Client’s Vision

Timeliness is crucial in social media management. Therefore, we meticulously communicate to ensure there is no misalignment regarding the use of content, such as whether SNS activities should be coordinated with a press release.
We emphasize the importance of aligning our understanding with the client’s vision.

Additionally, to maintain the freshness of the information being put out, we prompt the client’s team to review and confirm the content promptly. Our goal is to build a strong, collaborative relationship that maximizes communication effectiveness on specialized platforms.

Accurate Localization to bridge cultural differences

For overseas clients aiming to increase recognition and sales in Japan, even minor discrepancies in grammar or nuance can significantly alter how information is perceived, potentially leading to major backlash. Therefore, it is crucial to exercise meticulous attention to detail in localization, ensuring that every aspect of the text, including grammar and word choice, is carefully adjusted for the Japanese market.

Comments from an SNS marketing manager

PR in Japan is uniquely challenging compared to the rest of the world, and strategies or messaging that succeed elsewhere often fail or even backfire in Japan. The significant differences between Japan and other countries present a complex challenge for foreign companies entering the Japanese market.

By incorporating the professional insights of WONDERHOODS before embarking on SNS management in Japan, you can enhance the likelihood of establishing a successful SNS presence in the country.

We at WONDERHOODS aim to be not just a supporter of your business launch in Japan but also a dedicated partner who closely accompanies you through troubles and challenges, providing support until the very end.

About us

WONDERHOODS is a boutique/bilingual marketing communications agency based in Tokyo and Hokkaido, Japan, specializing in business-to-business PR, particularly technology PR, and helping foreign companies enter the Japanese market, create customers, and activate their marketing activities. Please feel free to contact us for more information including our capabilities.

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